Crippling Humility vs. Authentic Leadership: Striking the Right Balance

Venture Echo
3 min readApr 18, 2024

On April 15, 2024, I wrote about authentic leadership, a topic about which I am passionate. A few days later, I read an article in the Harvard Business Review in which the author unconvincingly made the case that humility can undermine your authority. I tend to take these HBR diatribes with a grain of salt. They generally start out with a scandalous headline, are overladen with qualifiers and mitigating language, and culminate in an inevitably wishy-washy non-conclusion. In any case, I think it’s important to discuss some of the distinctions between humility and being your authentic self as a leader.

The interplay between humility and authority can often be complex and misunderstood. Leaders are frequently advised to stay humble. But what happens when humility morphs into something that hinders, rather than helps? There is a delicate balance between crippling humility and authentic leadership, and leaders can maintain effectiveness while staying grounded.

What is Crippling Humility?

Crippling humility refers to a state where an individual’s humility becomes a barrier to their effectiveness as a leader. This form of humility is characterized by excessive self-deprecation, an inability to accept one’s achievements, and a pervasive fear of seeming arrogant. Leaders who suffer from crippling humility often struggle to assert themselves, make decisive decisions, or take credit where it’s due. They constantly defer to others, even in situations where their expertise would be beneficial.

Now let’s contrast that with real authentic leadership.

Open communication and transparency build trust and show your team that you not only value their input, but are open to receving constructive criticism.

The Essence of Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership, on the other hand, is about being true to oneself while effectively guiding others. An authentic leader embodies self-awareness, transparency, ethical conduct, and a deep understanding of their values and beliefs. They inspire trust and respect through their actions and how they relate to others. Authentic leaders are also humble, but their humility does not prevent them from acknowledging their strengths or the role they play in their team’s successes.

The Pitfalls of Excessive Humility

While humility is a celebrated virtue in leadership, excessive humility can be detrimental. Leaders who cannot own their successes may inadvertently send a message that they lack confidence or capability. This can lead to a lack of trust in their leadership, diminishing their authority and influence. Teams require leaders who can confidently guide them, make tough decisions, and stand by the consequences of those decisions. A leader’s unwillingness to step into their role because of fear of appearing arrogant can stymie progress and innovation.

The Power of Balanced Humility in Leadership

Balancing humility with assertiveness is key to effective leadership. Leaders should strive to recognize their accomplishments and strengths without overshadowing others. They should celebrate team achievements and give credit where it’s due, including to themselves when appropriate. This balanced approach helps maintain credibility and respect among peers and subordinates.

Strategies for Cultivating Authentic Leadership

  1. Self-awareness: Regular self-reflection can help leaders understand their motivations, strengths, and weaknesses. This awareness enables them to leverage their abilities and recognize areas for improvement without diminishing their self-worth.
  2. Accepting praise gracefully: Authentic leaders accept compliments and acknowledgments gracefully, understanding that doing so does not negate the contributions of others.
  3. Empowering others: True leaders empower their team members by delegating authority and encouraging autonomy. This not only boosts team morale but also reinforces the leader’s confidence in their own decision-making skills.
  4. Open communication: Maintaining transparency and open lines of communication builds trust. It shows that the leader values input from others and is open to receving constructive criticism.
  5. Consistency: Being consistent in actions and words fosters reliability and trustworthiness, hallmarks of authentic leadership.

Humility is an essential quality of a great leader, but it must be carefully balanced to avoid becoming a limitation. Authentic leadership thrives on a mixture of humility, confidence, and transparency. By understanding the difference, leaders can ensure they lead effectively and inspire those around them to achieve greater heights.



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